Huggard is a Cardiff-based homeless charity which seeks to support clients to overcome the cycle of homelessness. The charity operates an open access day centre, a 20-bed hostel with an accompanying emergency overnight shelter. The charity also operates 14 houses offering supported accommodation for a further 52 people. All users of the day-centre have access to support, advocacy and health, substance misuse and wellbeing services. Huggard also develops the employability of homeless people through ‘Café H’. Open to the public, this coffee shop and café generates income for the organisation, whilst providing a training facility for service users.
Addressing rough sleeping is the major issue for Huggard. The average life expectancy of a homeless person on the streets in the UK is 47. The work Huggard does in Cardiff to support rough sleepers is vitally important if we are to save lives. In 2016 Huggard’s advocacy service secured £1.3m in benefits for homeless people helping them to move away from begging and other street culture activities and helping them into accommodation.
At Llamau, we believe that no young person or vulnerable woman should ever have to experience homelessness. But for thousands of the most vulnerable people in Wales, homelessness is a frightening reality.
Many people think that the job of a homelessness charity is to provide accommodation; a roof over their head. But it is very clear to us, that for most people who are facing homelessness, their problems are far more complex than a lack of permanent shelter.
That’s why we work across Wales to prevent homelessness before it happens, provide safe accommodation, and support the people who use our services to develop the skills they need to leave homelessness behind for good.
Our mission is to end youth homelessness and homelessness for vulnerable women in Wales. But we can’t do this alone. We need your support. Support us today and help us to create a Wales without homelessness.
We are The Wallich. We’re doing something about homelessness in Wales.
We aim to prevent homelessness by getting people off the streets, keeping people off the streets and creating opportunities for people.
Every year we support over 5,000 people in Wales by delivering specialist services and projects to some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people in society.
We give vulnerable people accommodation and support to live safer, happier and more independent lives and become part of their communities.
We believe everyone deserves the right to a home, but more than that, that everyone deserves the right to feel safe, to feel valued and to feel positive about their future.