St David’s Partnership has adopted the principle that in the conduct of public business in Wales it will make every effort to use Welsh throughout core engagement with its consumer audience. This policy sets out how the Partnership will give effect to that principle when interacting with key stakeholders and in particular members of the general public.
1. Dealing with Welsh Speaking Public
The Partnership will normally interact with the public through the medium of English. A Welsh speaking advisor will be available should a request for a Welsh speaking contact arise.
2. Written Correspondence
The Partnership welcomes correspondence in Welsh. Correspondence (including e-mails) received in Welsh will receive a prompt, signed reply in that language. The target time for replying to correspondence in Welsh will be the same as for English language correspondence.
It may however not be practicable to provide translations of technical or specialist enclosures. [Target for reply within 10 working days] Written correspondence arising from face to face or telephone communication in Welsh will be in Welsh. [Target for reply to correspondence within 5 working days]
Where an individual / organisation has expressed a preference to receive letters in Welsh, correspondence will be in the Welsh language.
3. Telephone Correspondence
The Partnership welcomes telephone enquiries in Welsh. Training will be provided to enable non-Welsh speaking operators to deal courteously and confidently with initial requests for a Welsh service.
In the event of no Welsh speaker being available, callers will be offered the option of a Welsh speaker telephoning them back, or continuing the call in English.
If it is deemed that there is no Welsh speaking member of staff competent to respond to a particular enquiry, details of the enquiry will be noted or the caller will be asked to submit a written request so that the Partnership can respond in writing in Welsh, the caller will also be offered the option of continuing the call in English.
4. Corporate Identity
The Partnerships name, with its corporate identity will be in English on letterheads, vehicles, buildings, signs, and other forms of public display within Wales.
St David’s Partnership sub-brand identity and name St David’s (which relates to the retail centre in Cardiff) will be bilingual.
5. Printed Marketing Materials
The Partnership issues a wide variety of publications, these will be primarily produced in English. English versions will also be favoured where a document is also distributed outside of Wales, or to a predominately English speaking audience. Where necessary a Welsh version will be available upon request as a word processed document.
Some publications may be produced in both English and Welsh, in this case each version will carry a statement indicating that the publication is available in the other language and both versions will be displayed together.
For bilingual publications both languages will be treated equally in terms of format, size, quality and legibility.
For documents which are directed at particular sections or groups of readers, the decision on whether the publication is bilingual or in one language will be determined by the nature of the material, the frequency and cost of publication, the target audience and the extent to which it includes Welsh speakers.
6. Press Notices
Press notices issued to the media in Wales will be produced in the language used by that media. When dealing with Welsh media the Partnership will name a Welsh speaking contact.
7. Promotional Materials; i.e. Advertising Campaigns, Exhibitions and Direct Marketing Campaigns
Campaigns will be predominately in English. Campaigns will be bilingual when that is appropriate to the material and/or the target audience. Marketing materials used in campaigns, or exhibitions directed at audiences in Wales will offer separate Welsh and English text versions upon request.
8. Website & Internet Presence will be a predominantly English website. Key public information and visitor information will be available in Welsh on a link from this site.
9. Public Information Tannoy Announcements
Public information and tannoy announcements will be bilingual when that is appropriate to the material and/or the target audience. Emergency evacuation announcements will be made in English first followed by a Welsh announcement.
10. Wayfinding & Signage
Permanent signage and way-finding, both external and in-centre, provided by St David’s Partnership will be bi-lingual or icon led. Temporary signage and hoardings will be bilingual when that is appropriate to the message and target audience.
The St David’s Partnership is committed to developing and increasing the bilingual provision in its communication methods. This policy will be reviewed annually in conjunction with Welsh Language advisory organisations and any amendments made will reflect the views of our key stakeholders, in particular taking into account any comments or feedback received by the general public.
Further enquiries relating to the St David’s Partnership Welsh Policy should be made in writing to:
Helen Morgan
Centre Director
Centre Management Office
St David’s Dewi Sant
11 Bridge Street Arcade
Cardiff. CF10 2EF